Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The trail I'm on is self discovery

I think we are all on that trail through deep valleys and climbing over tall mountains

It goes through deep valleys and goes to the peaks of mountains that are such a struggle up to the top of those mountains that feel like at any moment they could crush you. The wind shrieks as you climb it seems to get louder until you realize that shriek is the voices in your life that can't seem to agree with one another. The people in your life may have the best intentions in the world but their advice can be damning to you and your own growth.

I think about the ones who tried to advise me when I was a teenager. I wanted there opinion of the situation I was in I didn't want them to tell me what IIIIIII should do. They should have let me make my own choice and learn the experience instead they struck that cored in me that said what if I am stupid and I cant make the right choice. I struggled with that for years until the year I got married. I figured things out. I figured out how to be an adult and make choices and I had to struggle. I never looked down at journey

The journey is the climb. I feel I have been in a deep valley and I am finally starting to climb to the peak of the tallest mountain I have ever tried to climb. I keep slipping and sliding and wondering if I should just stay in this dark gloomy valley surrounded by the tallest mountains. I will not stay in the darkness I need to see the sun. "Yay though I walk through the valley I will fear no evil for you are with me." In this season of my life I have learned this, there is nothing to fear but fear itself. I am a stronger light then the darkness that surrounds me. I wont be shut up I MUST SHINE!

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